Oil Painting Painting Sketchbook Pages Still Life

Pile Of Persimmons

Pile of Persimmons, Oil on Gessobord, 8x8"
Pile of Persimmons, Oil on Gessobord, 8x8"

This was so pleasurable to paint. I experimented with doing an underpainting in acrylic first to put in the darks without having to wait for paint to dry. Then I tried to focus on values and color temperature, but  I think I got sidetracked by all the interesting shapes of light, color, reflections and hazy surfaces  (they were organic persimmons and some of the skin had a kind of filminess like blueberries have).

I’m also working on trying to see and mix just the right color of paint, and apply strokes once (instead of guessing, putting paint down, scraping it off, trying again). Last night when I realized I’d been painting for an hour with dirty brushes and not mixing specific colors but just using random paint left on the palette I dragged myself away from the easel and went to bed, finishing the painting this afternoon.

I’m pretty happy with this one but would like to try again getting closer with color temperature changes and stronger values. Below are the steps I took along the way, including a change in composition. Although I liked the rich dark in the corner, it was drawing too much attention to itself.

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10 replies on “Pile Of Persimmons”

wow! You have been busy. No more procrastinating for you. These babies look like you could reach in and eat them (my favorite fruit) right down to the beautiful hazy white areas which I correlate with just off the tree freshness. I love the color and the lively look of the plate they are on, too.


Very edible. What lovely clean colours too. I had never ever seen a persimmon until last year and we don’t see them in our shops very much at all here. My favourite fruit is mango, the parrot mango, but one day I had a bellyache from eating a parrot mango, but then I did go into labour a few hours later! Only a day late anyway. w.


Pile of Persimmons! I love your painting with the pile of persimmons. It brings such a warm feeling to my heart. My Grandmother had a persimmon tree and I loved everything she baked with them. I loved to shine them up and put them in a bowl, too!

I have enjoyed your blogs all year. Thanks!



Aren’t persimmons lovely? So deep, wild, and juicy! Such a vibrant color…we are thinking of using it for our living room. The depth of color makes it royal right up there with indigo. Your contrasts are helpful, too…the deep blue and pattern, to offset the orange-red; and the gold background, to balance it. A well-rounded and nice composition, through and through. Wish we had the money to buy it. Alas…


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