Every Day Matters Painting Sketchbook Pages Still Life Watercolor

A shiny, new hour for free (& EDM #144- Something Square)

EDM #144 - Something Square

Watercolor on Arches hot pressed paper in sketchbook, 5.5 x 7.5″

This week’s Everyday Matters challenge is to draw something square. I searched my house and office and found nothing square until I started thinking about time.Then I remembered this kitchen timer that I’m going to use to make the timed paintings I wrote about yesterday. It was sitting next to these tea bags which are also (nearly) square.

I’ve been having a hard time making the transition back to ordinary time after the end of Daylight Savings. The actual day of “falling back” is my favorite day of the year because it means getting an extra hour.  Instead of resetting my clocks on Saturday night and wasting the fresh new hour sleeping, I pick an hour that I want to experience fully as my new hour. I use it for something extra special, or for something that in my usual driven way I don’t allow time for—like relaxing in a bubble bath or other such luxuries. This year I stretched it out through Monday, actually giving myself the hour several times, and then each time deciding that it wasn’t the one, and giving myself another. It was such fun!

But by Tuesday when I returned to the office, I still hadn’t settled on the perfect hour or reset my clocks and it was getting confusing. Instead of getting to say, “Oh goodie, it’s not really 3:00, it’s only 2:00! Whoopie! Another free hour!” I was looking at my watch and saying, “Oh drat, it’s not really 3:00, it’s only 2:00 — three more hours until I can take my headache home and put it to bed.”

And then today (Wednesday), even though I went to bed early and woke on time, I ended up arriving at work really late—exactly opposite what should be happening, given the extra hour in the morning. So now I’ve finally reset all my clocks and joined the world in ordinary time.

I wonder if it’s possible to give myself a special “free” hour every day, without having to wait for the annual end of Daylight Savings. Maybe I could just declare one hour each day a special hour to enjoy as I see fit. Why not? What do you think?

22 replies on “A shiny, new hour for free (& EDM #144- Something Square)”

I would have sworn when I saw your painting that it was in INKS. It is just soooo vibrant. I just love the colours you’ve used on the timer. It’s amazing.
Our daylight saving has just started last week and my eyelids feel heavy all the time.


Love the glowing colours, especially those in the shadow! Oh I hope you find your perfect hour! I think finding an extra hour a day is a great idea. When you first mentioned your special hour (last year I think?) I took to it straight away so I like this new idea and look forward to your thoughts next year! đŸ™‚


ABSOLUTELY, Jana!! A special hour — a DAY, cara, not a week!!! LOL WE all work so hard, are rushed so much — how about an hour a day for us …. square, round, trapazoid … just so it’s OURS!!

LOVELY work on the painting — so loose and fresh!!!


Jana, I absolutely adore your concept of giving yourself the gift of that expra hour–several times! And yes, why not? Paying attention to ourselves, to our needs, for an hour a day is surely not too much…you go girl!


I think that’s a grand idea – an hour each day that we slow down enough to actually mark time and relish each minute by celebrating with something special; something to look forward to each day… Beautiful painting. I love the warm colors and the glow behind the timer.


Brilliant idea bout giving yourself the extra hour. Think I’d like to try that, too!!

Your painting does not look overworked to me, not by a long shot. I love the vibrant colours!!! Just the thing to see on a cold, rainy day. Blah!


Last weekend I found myself wishing for an extra hour each weekend – wouldn’t that be great? I spent mine this time lingering over an outdoor brunch. Very satisfying.

What colors did you use for your painting? They’re phenomenal!


Jana! Clearly I have not been by in quite a while. So much lovely stuff! Your tomatoes are scrumptous and your timer as luminous as everyone is saying, and your 1hr a day idea is spectacular! I’m on for that. The year I turned 50 I decided to do something special each and every month, and did. It’s so freeing giving yourself that permission to really focus on what you are grateful for. Time to kayak, time to hike and enjoy the beauty around you, time to paint inspiring pools of colour. You go girl. Keep on inspiring us all.


WOW Jana, you gave this little timer quite a bit of Life, I love this sketch and the thoughts behind it – We super women certainly juggle a Lot in a day – wouldn’t that extra Magic hour be Nice !!?? AAh we can dream as we stare at your timer that never rings.


Another wonderful painting, thank you, it’s always such a treat. Happy colors, for sure! Yes, I love that idea of the extra hour somewhere you can enjoy it; going to remember that one for next year.


Jana — you are absolutely right. We should all give ourselves one free hour a day (not including the hour or so we should spend exercising). I think we should start it today. Right now.


Thanks everyone!

Martha and Anita, the colors I used were WN Scarlet Lake, Daniel Smith New Gamboge, WN Cobalt Violet, WN Quinacridone Rose and Magenta, and a teeny bit of Phthalo Blue. The Scarlet Lake and New Gamboge did nice things together.

Sandy: I wonder if I should use the timer while I’m at the computer too. I bet if I did I’d find even more time in the day!

Susan: It’s exciting to hear about your monthly special time. Spending it out in nature enjoying the beauty and feeling grateful sounds just about perfect!


I love this painting and the idea of using the extra hour (even more than once) !! I’m also loving going through your blog. Lovely work and lovely thought and writing, too.


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